Knoxville and its Surroundings
Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley contain fewer high points than the Cumberland Plateau and the Great Smoky Mountains, but it should not be discounted as a destination for hiking.
We think a trip to Seven Islands State Birding Park will make evident how spectactular this area can be. Around 30 minutes away from most places in Knoxville, this is a true destination not only for birders, but also hikers and paddlers.
Other locations are also not only close, but (surprisingly) worthy of a trip. Ijams on the south side of Knoxville–familiar to many in the Knoxville area–has many spectacular features, in addition to being fewer than ten minutes away from downtown.
Other places that we highlight among the 12 trails in this secton are very worth your time, offering an outdoors respite in addition to the ability to easily be integrated into busy schedules and other commitments. If you are looking for a first family hike, those in this section may make a great selection.